How to get Verified - Ethiopia Property Centre (EPC)

How to get Verified


Only companies can be verified on Ethiopia Property Centre. Individuals cannot be verified.

To become a Verified agent, you must verify your identity and send your company documents.

Verify Your Identity

To verify your identity, use the green button below.

You will need to provide one of the following documents to complete the process:

  • International passport
  • Driver's licence

We do NOT accept the following documents:

  • Any document not listed above
  • Photocopies
  • Screenshots of any documents

Send Company Documents

Once you have verified your identity, send the following documents, scanned in COLOR, to

  • Incorporation Certificate
  • Any one of the following:
    • Utility bill with the address on your account on Ethiopia Property Centre (not more than 3 months old). Example: power or water bill
    • Most recent tax clearance (not more than 12 months old)

Why we Verify agents

Verification helps increase trust and safety in our community. Property seekers can feel more confident doing business with Verified agents, who are more likely to be legitimate and trustworthy.

What happens when I get Verified

All property listings and your property page will have a Verified badge like the image below. This will give our site visitors more confidence in doing business with your company.

verified agent badge

Get your free business website

One of the benefits of verifying your Ethiopia Property Centre account is that your company gets a free business website like

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